The regional transmission company, TRANSCO CLSG, in collaboration with the Government of Liberia will continue its Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) phase of the CLSG project in the port city of Buchanan on Monday, March 5, 2018.
More than 300 people are affected by the construction of the transmission line and substation in Liberia and they are being compensated through a transparent process for the loss of their properties, including farmlands, which are within the transmission line and substation corridors.
The compensation process will give way for the construction of a 1303-kilometer transmission line from Cote d’Ivoire through Liberia, Sierra Leone and to Guinea.
Following the RAP process, TRANSCO CLSG will acquire the project 40 kilometer corridor and sites and turn them over to the contractors who are waiting to jumpstart construction of the transmission line and substations across the CLSG countries.
TRANSCO CLSG, which implements the CLSG electricity project, has already conducted information campaigns across Liberia to sensitize communities on the resettlement process. All those affected by the CLSG project have been identified. TRANSCO CLSG also has assessed all assets in the right of way, following which the company established an inventory.
For the specific case of Liberia, the CLSG project involves the construction of approximately 530km of 225kV power line through seven counties including, Nimba, Bong, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Montserrado, Bomi and Grand Cape Mount. Meanwhile, donors of the CLSG project, including the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Investment Bank and the KfW the German Development Bank, have reaffirmed their unwavering support to the successful implementation of the CLSG project, reports E. J. Nathaniel Daygbor In Monrovia